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Support after Employment

As an employee of a municipality, region or municipal company, you are covered by the KOM-KR, a collective union agreement that regulates various types of support and benefits both during and after employment. By ensuring that you receive the support you are entitled to and may need, we help you find the right path forward to a fulfilling career.

Finding yourself without a job is tough, but there are options and assistance available to help you quickly land a new one, start your own business, receive vocational training, or enrol in a degree programme. The Transition Fund is here to support you through the entire process.

 The Transition Fund supports you as an employee of a municipality, region or municipal company through different types of transition support if your contract has been terminated due to shortage of work or illness, or after a fixed-term employment contract has expired.

The type of support you are entitled to as an employee depends on several factors, for example, what type of employment you have and how long you have been employed.

No matter what type of support you receive, the goal is to increase your chances of finding a new job. The support we offer is designed and adapt to your needs, conditions and goals.

We create pathways to future work for employees and employers in the welfare sector.

Transition Support

Transition Support can be given to permanent and temporary employees whose employment will or has been terminated due to shortage of work or illness, or after a fixed-term employment contract has expired.

Transition support can include:

  • counselling regarding job seeking or starting a company
  • guidance regarding skills development that strengthens
    the individual’s position on the labour market
  • reinforced support in cases of illness
  • short-duration duration and additional study grants purchased training and validation.

If you are a permanent employee, it is your employer’s responsibility to apply to the Transition Fund on your behalf. However, if you are a temporary employee and your employment period is set to expire, you should apply to the Transition Fund on your own.

The Transition Fund can also provide reinforced support to employees who have been assessed to have special support needs due to illness. Reinforced support can include additional skills assessment discussions, extended counselling and guidance as well as support when dealing with governmental agencies.

Who Can Receive Support?

You must provide confirmation that you have worked for a sufficient period of time, i.e., 12 of the last 24 months. You can do this by submitting the number of hours you have worked, or your earned amount of income. Our estimate is based on the number of months you worked an average of 16 hours or more per week within a calendar month, as well as the number of months you earned 25% of your income base amount.

Months where you have been on sick leave, parental leave or performed military service are not included in the calculation. If you have accepted to work less hours as an alternative to termination, you may receive support during employment. You apply for that support on your own through our website.

Transition support is provided for up to one year following termination of employment. Upon assessment, reinforced support can be extended by up to one additional year.

Study Assistance

In certain cases, speaking with a coach from the Transition Fund helps you decide that you want to study. If you have been granted transition support in addition to having worked at least eight of the last 14 years, you may apply for the public transitional study support (omställningsstudiestöd), which is state-funded and managed by CSN. This type of grant can be provided for educational programmes that strengthen your future position in the labour market and meet labour market needs.

CSN is responsible for administrating the transitional study support. When you apply for this grant, the Transition Fund can make an assessment as to whether we believe that the educational programme you have applied for will in fact strengthen your position in the labour market.

Once you have applied for the transitional study support through CSN, CSN will automatically forward your application to us, and we will issue a formal opinion.

You do not need to have been accepted to the programme before applying for transition study support. Learn more about the transitional study support at CSN.se.


Extended support

Extended support is designed and adapted to your needs and conditions, which means the Transition Fund can provide funding for skills development services. This can include relevant courses and programmes that will serve to further strengthen your chances of getting a new job.

If you are eligible for extended support, your employer is responsible for applying to the Transition Fund on your behalf.

Who Can Receive Support?

Extended support is available to permanent employees as defined under HÖK/AB (Main Agreement/General Regulations) or BÖK/BB (Industry Agreement/Industry Regulations), whose working hours at their employer corresponded to at least 40% of full-time work for at least one year.

This support is available when your employment has been terminated due to shortage of work or you have reached an agreement with your employer to end your employment for reasons related to shortage of work or illness.

This support is provided for up to one year following the end of employment. However, if there are special reasons, support can be provided for up to two years following the end of employment. Special reasons apply if you, because of illness or other health conditions, have not been able to benefit from the support within the time period allotted and there are services that can increase your chances of finding new work if the time period is extended. The Transition Fund determines if special reasons apply.

Study support

If you are entitled to extended support and would like to pursue an educational programme, we can also offer additional study support. If you are granted the transitional study support through CSN, you are also able to apply for additional collectively agreed study grant.

Additional collectively agreed study grant reimburses part of the loss of income while studying when the transitional study support has been granted. The additional study grant can be paid out concurrently with the transition study assistance being paid out by CSN, provided that the programme strengthens your future position within the labour market and meets labour market needs.

Financial compensation

To ensure a smooth transition from your previous job to your new one, you can receive temporary financial compensation if you are entitled to extended support. The focus, however, is always on finding a new job.

Compensation while on Leave from Work

If you meet the qualifications for extended support, you may apply for compensation as needed while on leave from work to participate in services according to your individual plan.

Compensation Instead of A-kassa (Unemployment Insurance)

When participating in services that render you ineligible for a-kassa (unemployment insurance), you may receive financial compensation for a limited time. If you have made an agreement with your employer due to illness, you are not eligible for this benefit.

Supplement to A-kassa (Unemployment Insurance)

If you have been employed for five years or more and have been let go due to lack of work, you may also be entitled to supplementary financial benefits in addition to a-kassa (unemployment insurance). To be eligible, you need to be receiving a-kassa (unemployment insurance) and you cannot have refused an offer for a similar position at with your employer, in addition to other requirements. If you have an agreement with your employer due to illness, you are not eligible for this benefit.


Step by step

Our support process is as follows:

  1. Depending on which type of support you are entitled to, you will either apply to the Transition Fund on your own or your employer will apply on your behalf. We want to start working with you as soon as we receive your application. The sooner we start working together, the greater your chances are of quickly finding your next career move.
  2. You meet your personal coach and together you map out your professional experience, establish your future goals and the steps required to achieve them. Using that information, you will create an individualised action plan and determine your course of action.
  3. Start pursuing a degree, an internship or apply for jobs! Make sure to let everyone know that you are looking for your next job and remember to use your network of friends as well as Facebook and LinkedIn forums.
  4. You have now reached your goal and found your next job. If, for whatever reason, you find yourself looking for work again, you are always welcome to reach back out to us.


Want to learn more?

To learn more about the criteria to be covered under the Skills and Transition Agreement, KOM-KR, and the financial benefits, send us an email to info@omstallningsfonden.se, or call 08-452 79 98.

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